Campus Programming Directory

For Students with Experience in Foster Care in Pennsylvania

Fall 2024 – Online Edition

The Field Center is committed to increasing higher education access and success for youth who have experienced foster care. Often, students in the foster care system are not encouraged to pursue a post-secondary degree and there is limited information available about campus resources and supports that would be beneficial. This first-of-its-kind directory was created to provide students with experience in foster care with information about campus programs and services that can be particularly helpful in supporting their success, from application through graduation.

How to Use this Directory

This directory provides information on institutional supports and programs that can assist students with experience in foster care in selecting prospective colleges that may be a good fit for them. It is intended to supplement existing college directories and other available information. Used alongside traditional college-search resources, this directory will inform students in Pennsylvania about beneficial campus programs and services.

Campus-Based Support Programs in Pennsylvania

Campus-based support programs are programs and services on a college campus that are designed to specifically support students with experience in foster care. These programs look different on each campus, but many include year-round housing, scholarships, skill-building workshops, social and cultural events, programming, mentoring/coaching, academic advising, emergency assistance, and more

Full Pennsylvania Institution List

Please check back later to view a list of all higher education institutions in Pennsylvania beyond those offering targeted programming to students with foster care experience.

Although Pennsylvania has a growing number of campus-based support programs for students with experience in foster care, many other formal and informal supports exist on college campuses that students may find useful. Institutional programming geared towards specific student populations may also be beneficial to students with experience in foster care. Additional support, such as emergency financial assistance or resources for housing and food insecurity, should be explored by speaking with various departments at the institution.


The information included in this directory was gathered through information on college websites and/or direct contact with college personnel, and deemed accurate as of the time of publication.

Click here to view the [old] 2021 version of the Campus Programming Directory, published as a standalone PDF Document.


©2024 ~ See something on this page that needs to be updated?
