Field Center Young Professionals Council

Bylaws 2025

The YPC is a group of professionals from within and beyond the world of child welfare with a passion and commitment to improving outcomes for children and families affected by the child welfare system. The goals of the group are threefold:

  • To increase public awareness about the work of the Field Center
  • To improve understanding of emerging issues in child welfare
  • To encourage and promote support of the Field Center

The YPC supports The Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice & Research’s work and mission to engage in interdisciplinary research, policy, advocacy, and education to promote best practices in creating and sustaining a child and family welfare and support system that is responsive to the needs of diverse families and communities.

YPC Membership:  

Criteria for Members:

  1. Philadelphia-area young professional (between the ages of approximately 25-40)
  2. Employment in a related field is encouraged, but not required
  3. Passion and commitment to improving child welfare
  4. Commitment to the Field Center and to sharing and promoting its mission

Expectations of YPC Members

  1. YPC members will attend 3 scheduled YPC meetings per year and participate in 3 telephone calls
  2. Disseminate information about Field Center events, research and programs; develop networks and raise awareness of child welfare issues
  3. Plan/participate in approximately 2 fundraisers/friendraisers/social events per year
  4. YPC Members shall make an annual contribution to the Field Center

Expectations of The Field Center

  1. The Field Center will provide opportunities for YPC members to obtain continuing education credits through participation in community events (may include discounts or scholarship)
  2. The Field Center will engage YPC members in ongoing projects through YPC meetings, seeking input and feedback
  3. The Field Center will maintain frequent communication with YPC through Staff Liaison
  4. The Field Center will provide a leadership voice to YPC members through a liaison to the Field Center Advisory Board
  5. The Field Center will incorporate YPC input for community trainings and events


Membership Procedure

  1. Prospective Members will send an email inquiry to Staff Liaison
  2. Staff Liaison will provide information about the Field Center and YPC
  3. Prospective Member will meet with Staff Liaison and YPC Board Member for in-person interview or attend an in-person meeting
  4. Applicant will submit a resume and statement of interest to YPC Liaison


YPC Board – Leadership Positions

Board Positions will be held for 2-year terms beginning and ending in January

Board Member Title (Role)

1) Chair (With Staff Liaison, coordinate YPC quarterly meetings. Act as liaison to Field Center Advisory Board)

2) Chair Emeritus (Provide leadership and guidance to Chair)

3) Vice Chair (Assist Chair with YPC Organization. Assume leadership role in absence of chair/after chair term ends)

4) Events Chair (Coordinate YPC community events)

5) Social Media Chair (Maintain social media presence/Assist with YPC communication)