
The stark implications of abolishing child welfare: An alternative path towards support and safety

Published Paper
Garcia, A. R., Berrick, J. D., Jonson-Reid, M., Barth, R. P., Gyourko, J. R., Kohl, P., Greeson, J. K. P., Drake, B., & Cook, V. (2024). The stark implications of abolishing child welfare: An alternative path towards support and safety. Child & Family Social Work, 1–13.
Garcia, A. R., Berrick, J. D., Jonson-Reid, M., Barth, R. P., Gyourko, J. R., Kohl, P., Greeson, J. K. P., Drake, B., & Cook, V. (2024). The stark implications of abolishing child welfare: An alternative path towards support and safety. Child & Family Social Work, 1–13.