The Experiences of Foster Youth During COVID-19
Past Projects

Young adults aging out of foster care and those who have recently aged out are among the most marginalized groups in this country. They experience countless hardships when they transition from foster care to adulthood on their own. With the unprecedented additional challenges of dealing with COVID19, these young people are among those bearing the heaviest burden of this pandemic. In response to the COVID19 crisis, the Field Center launched an online survey study to assess how older youth in foster care and those who recently aged out of foster care are faring with COVID19 in the key areas of basic needs, education, employment, finances, personal connections, and health/mental health. By gaining a clearer picture of these burdens, stakeholders will be better able to advocate for the needs of these young people. The study provides practitioners, policymakers and advocates with much-needed data and makes recommendations for a national response to COVID19 as it affects older youth in foster care and those aged out of foster care.
Aging Out During COVID
This short video highlights our major findings and recommendations.
Published Manuscript
Greeson, J. K., Gyourko, J. R., Jaffee, S. R., & Wasch, S. (2022). The experiences of older youth in and aged out of foster care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Material and financial well-being by foster care status, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and race. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.