Kenyan Children

Agape Children’s Ministry Evaluation

Past Projects
Kenyan Children

Evaluation of Agape Children’s Ministry Family Strengthening Program

In Kenya, the number of street-involved children continues to grow, with estimates as high as hundreds of thousands. Despite various efforts, the majority of those who receive services return to the streets. Through a Research Challenge Grant with the CAFO Center on Applied Research For Vulnerable Children and Families, Managing Faculty Director Dr. Johanna Greeson was selected to evaluate Agape Children’s Ministry’s Family Strengthening Program, which aims to keep families together following reintegration of street-involved children and youth. Field Center researchers will evaluate whether participation in the Family Strengthening Program leads to improved family functioning and increases the likelihood that the family remains intact following reintegration. The Field Center will provide consultation and recommendations to Agape Children’s Ministry during the evaluation, and will seek to disseminate findings from this study in global publications to inform best practices in other nations.

Evaluations of Promising Practices in Child Welfare

This booklet shares the translated data that was prepared by the 2022 Research Challenge Grant pairs, highlighting the results and implications in a way that enables other NGOs to utilize effective solutions that have been evaluated for impact. The accompanying webinar shares preliminary findings from the four Researcher + NGO pairs.