Penn State Abington

Abington, PA


Penn State Abington wordmark


Quick Facts

Address: 1600 Woodland RoadAbingtonPennsylvania 19001

School Type: 4 Year Public State-Related University

Student Body: 3,100 Undergraduate Students

On-Campus Housing: Yes

Application Deadline: November 1 (early deadline); December 1 (regular deadline); Rolling Admissions after December

✓ Identifies & Tracks Foster Youth
✓ Specific Programming for Foster Youth
✓ Beneficial Programming for Foster Youth
✓ Year-Round Housing Available

Campus Programming

Fostering Lions

The Fostering Lions Program supports independent students and students with experience in foster care attending Penn State Abington. The program provides ongoing coaching, cohort lunches and activities, connects students to university services and develops skills for post-college success.

For more information about Penn State Abington Fostering Lions, contact: Mary Ellen Glick (215) 881-7353 or

Additional Resources

Supplemental Information

  • Penn State Abington is a commonwealth campus of the Pennsylvania State University


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